Growing plants

A seed need water sunlight and air to  grow  into a new plants.  The proess by which a new plants grows from a seed is called germination. 

Some seeds do not get enough favourable condition to grow into a new plants Some seeds eaten b y birdS are insects. Some get destroyed by harsh weather. Not all seed grow into new plants. Seed needs enough water,sunlight and air to grow. With any of these requirement missing, the seeds will wither and die.


Seed needs water to soften the seed coat. The also needs air and enough sunlight. If they are all sown at the same place theymight not get enough of there requiemen. HENCE seeds needs to be sown far away feom each other. thew natural process by which seeds are scattes to far off places by wind, water ,animals etc. is called dispersal  of seeds.

There are various agentsthat help the plants disperse its seeds. They are called AGENTS OF DISPERSAL.


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